We are temporarily closed due to increase of COVID-19 infections.

I would like to begin this blog entry with many thanks to those who are supporting our decision, during these unprecedented times, to close our services for the second time,

It is with heavy heart, that I have decided to shut down JātaDreads with immediate effect. Due to the rise in new infections and now more people are having to go to hospital, I feel it is my responsibility to be a part of the solution to this situation and help stop the further spread of COVID-19. Should humanity collectively act with compassion towards each other and effectively adapt to the necessary changes required to dramatically decrease the spread of the virus, then, I will consider re-opening JātaDreads.

In the meantime, my advice to you is to learn how to lock your own hair, and become self-sufficient in your quest towards self expression. Cultivating self-sufficiency, ie independent discipline, is a fundamental step that gives rise to integrity in the true essence of spiritual devotion.

We wish you all well and please act safely.

Anna-Marie and Philip

Tidy Up Sun 9th Aug ’20

Started these baby locks in March ’20 just before the COVID lockdown, so today was the first tidy up.  Thank you Mark, for trusting me to start these locks for you and with your loyalty to my regular maintenance of them, especially as these locks are symbol of something special to you.

Tidy Up Fri 7th Aug ’20

I started these locks 21 months ago, they have matured so well.  A joy to work on them today.

Tidy Up 4th Aug ’20

Today’s tidy up. Wonderful afternoon spent outside on the stern, Tom watching fish swimming at the water surface and spotting Kingfisher darting about the bank. Great to catch up with this top chap.

Summer Boat Life



Beautiful hot summer’s day, rude not to enjoy being outdoors.  Nature on the canal giving Emma and ourselves a meaninful experience for her locks tidy up.

First JātaDreads Client COVID Precautions


Beautiful summer’s day, helping to give Nancy and us, the meaningful experience that we aim to achieve, when one chooses us to have their fresh locks installed or maturing locks maintained.  We are grateful to Nancy for her patience, as we meticulously followed the Government guidelines in providing our services.

Aboard our home, a widebeam canal boat, cruising the Kennet & Avon canal, basing ourselves in the ancient lands of Wiltshire.  The room at the bow, where we practice and study the ancient teachings of Yoga, making it a sacred space.  The room opens up into the countryside and through the french doors, there is a seated outdoor space, where one can take time out for refreshments, to connect with nature, soak up her peace and enjoy the canal.

Today was Philip’s first time locking hair for someone other than myself, he did amazingly well.  It won’t be long before he is cool to go solo.


Relaxing Lockdown

JataDreads Update ~ Opening up for Bookings.

Date for the relaxing of lockdown might be July 4th, nothing has been confirmed yet. I will keep you updated.

It is very important that you take into consideration, that I am in the high risk category, I have asthma.  My asthma is controlled, however, asthma is a respiratory condition, therefore I will be taking all necessary precautions to ensure my health and safety.

Information of what to expect on the day of your appointment.

Please do not use public transport to get to us.  If it’s not possible to walk or use a bicycle, then you must ask a member of your family living in the same household, to drive you to your appointment.  Obviously, after your appointment, you are free to use public transport.

When you arrive, I will meet you at the car park that is close to where we are moored.  Unfortunately, I will not be as tactile with my greeting as I usually am, I will keep some distance between us, please do not be offended about this.

You will be asked to wash your hands as soon as we reach the boat and I will be asking you to wear a mask, which I will provide.  I will also be wearing a mask.

Weather permitting, I will have prepared a shady area for us outside, for me to work on your hair/locks.

All tools I use for locking, this includes combs etc, will have been sterilised.

More often than not, depending on how long an appointment is booked for, I prepared food as part of your day’s experience with us, makes me sad to tell you, that I will not be permitted to this for the foreseeable future.  However, I will provide teas, coffees etc, and you will have to keep your mask on and only remove it enough, to drink. Unless of course, taking breaks and go sit outside, we can then remove masks and enjoy refreshments.

I appreciate this is all very clinical, really not ideal, especially as our time together should be meaningful.  I will do my utmost best to continue to provide a space that is calming, positive and therapeutic.

When booking an appointment, I will confirm reiterating the above information, together with all the details you need to have, to get safely to our mooring.

Thank you in advance for your patience, loyalty and support.



Please don’t call me a loctician

I don’t like it, I’m not a loctician, I’m Anna-Marie.  I have no idea where this label came from, however, I’d hazard a guess, that it originates from the fashion industry and in my book, that isn’t cool.  ‘Loctician’…. seems to me, that people put labels on themselves because they need some sort of status; loctician, it’s not even a nice word, it sounds clinical.  I don’t appreciate people deciding for me that I should be labelled.  So please do not call me a loctician.

We’ve not washed our locks for 2 years!


May 2018 we stopped washing our locks and so far, for both of us, scalp, new hair growth and the locks, have never been healthier, look or felt better.

The first 3 months was about breaking the cycle of washing, which to be honest, wasn’t difficult.  The first 3 months both heads went from dry and itchy to oily.  The 4th month, everything calmed down and balanced out, scalps and new hair growth began to look and feel healthy.   Jumping forward to the present day, Philip’s and my locks look and feel great, we are happy with the result and will continue, not washing.

We didn’t do any research or follow any guidelines, we simply used common sense.

  • We both have active jobs. Philip works outside in a dusty, dirty environment.  I have a physical job and again a lot of my day is outdoors.  Philip uses a head-tube to protect his locks, I tie back and put my locks up and out of the way.
  • Sweat.  When not at work, we allow the locks be free so air can circulate.  It is necessary to regularly maintain the locks stopping them from matting and clotting together.  It is important we check each other’s scalp and locks regularly, to make sure that the scalp is healthy and the locks do not smell, so far they haven’t.
  • It rains a lot in the UK, we live on a boat, moving every 14 days, come rain or shine.  We have to chop wood, carry water plus other jobs to do with sustainable living.  Living day to day, we do not let our locks get wet or damp, especially in the winter.  Philip’s and my locks are very long and dense, takes all day for both heads of locks to dry, so to prevent them from getting musty and mouldy, we protect them from rain and the damp outdoors.
  • When we go swimming, we rinse the locks in clean water only.  Obviously only swim in the warmer season, locks dry much quicker and thoroughly from the sun.
  • We do not put any oils on our scalp.  After almost 24 months of letting the scalp and hair do it’s natural thing, we don’t need to.
  • From day one, at no time, did Philip’s or my locks smell!

Why did we do this?  We wanted to at least give it a go, worst case scenario, we would have to wash our locks again.  Not being fans of cosmetics, we began to feel passionate about letting hair self clean, results are amazing.  We do believe ,for us that is, that the washing with soaps, was more of a contribution to itchy heads, dry skin and oily hair.

This blog entry is by no means an effort to persuade peeps, to stop washing their hair, this is simply, Philip’s and my experience, and we would like to share it with you. 

Fresh locks with blunt ends 8th March ‘20

Fresh locks, with blunted ends. Amazing day, privilege to start these locks for spirit of true courage. An inspiring day, thank you for trusting me.