We won’t be putting prices up

We’ve kept our hourly rate the same for almost 5 years now and it will continue to stay at £25 per hour for the foreseeable future. JātaDreads doesn’t have desires to part of what is now a fashion industry, we are not power, popular, bums-on-seats, money driven. We do not book appointments in blocks either, we literally time the appointment, using a timer, which begins from the moment we start working on your hair, if we have to stop, then the timer stops. This makes the work on your locks affordable and we maintain virtue.

Philip and I have committed our lives to living simply and we would like this to reflect in all that we do.

JātaDreads no longer has an Instagram account

However, we do have an Instagram account called ‘livingearthway’, where we share a little more about our off grid, nomadic lives, together with crafting and land art. I will pop the odd, occasional, dread update on the account, because of artistic impression. Should this be of inspiration to you, please pop along to the Instagram ‘livingearthway account, check us out and follow for all things earth-way.

June, July & August

We’ve had a wonderful summer, what with JātaDreads being busy through out, our puppy Mia who is now 6 months growing rapidly and coming along well with her training and generally living simply, as we continue to cruise along the Kennet & Avon Canal.

June, I gave thanks to Summer Solstice by creating land art, making a sun mandala and a cycle of life symbol.  July passed by with the glorious English summer and August, we managed the heatwave with parasols and mooring under trees.

Getting up at 4.30am each morning to daylight, committing to Sādhana practice has been a blessing and now that the early starts are dark, it’s time to embrace change and prepare to slow down ready for the stillness of winter.  Our wood foraging has already started, harvesting wind fall for the fire, not only to keep us warm, also to cook on.  Leaves have started to turn gold and berries are already in abundance.  Not much in the way of bird song as the birds have now migrated.  Hares are out still feeding at dusk and dawn, they are magical to watch.

Blankets are now on beds, the heavy duty rug will go down in the next week and I’m going to treat myself to a new pair of slippers for this autumn, winter.

I’ve been busy crafting and whittling, making branch poles and blinds for the windows, to keep the warmth in and the chill out.

Not wishing the summer away, it has been wonderful, however, I do enjoy the changing seasons and I have a deeper connection to autumn and winter than I do with spring and summer.  Maybe it’s because there is much to do, ensuring we are warm, dry, well and healthy in the cold months.  Or maybe it’s because the canal is less busy with tourists and we can isolate from the Babylonian infection that disturbs our ever so quiet life.