May & June 2023

Been on a slow cruise East of the canal since March, reaching a final destination just as the first summer heatwave came along, taking us into Summer Solstice, oh the joy of the warm sun, bringing people outdoors to enjoy nature is a wholesome thing.

Besides being fully booked with dreadmaking, I took a trip to Germany to spend time with my family and while we have the light in the early morning, I’ve taken my Āsana practice outdoors to a park, purely for fun mind; its so I can multitask my physical fitness needs with playing with our pup Mia.  It’s all working out rather well, we’re both having a lot of fun.

Summer weeks also offer the opportunity for dreadhead appointments, if they would like, to take their experience outdoors, some have a bit of both.  This summer, because of the locations we’ve moored, we’ve been able to sit out on the towpath and get right up close to living earthway.  I make every effort to provide a comfortable environment for all dreadhead visitors, keeping space as flexible as possible, so that all can enjoy and soak up the connecting, centring and healing energy of nature.  Thank you to all dreadhead visitors, for opening up and offering their likes and dislikes, in helping me to make each visit personal and meaningful.

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